ladymckee's Diaryland Diary



...I miss him terribly when I can't stay in contact with him... I wish I could hang out with him... Just do shit...

this fucking sucks

I really screwed shit up royally heh

even if I did move to Texas, it's not like I could do shit with him... "it wouldn't go over well" was one of his responses to going to the concert... I can't even have a normal friendship with him because she is involved...

I need to hurry up and move to fucking Huntsville... Then I would HAVE to do shit and only then do I hope would that help get me distracted... I don't think it will...

...I sound so depressive, but I can't help it...I really am having a hard time with this shit... heh

I should go back outside and finish the 4th screen...

...I should do laundry today too...Clean my room...

12:58 p.m. - Sunday, Jun. 01, 2008

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