ladymckee's Diaryland Diary



I called the investigator today and left a message...Since I haven't heard from him in two weeks now... I would like to know if this is standard for taking this long... Makes me feel as though they are not concerned with what happened... However I know that the investigator is very busy... heh

I made some chocolate chip cookies today for mom and the boys... Also made some milk chocolate, white chocolate and walnut cookies for Josh. He should get them Saturday some time. :)

Was having a hard time today talking about the paper work... I really wish things could be different, but understand why they cant...Had a terrible realization today too...About how I have been going back and forth with not talking with Josh... Guess its no different than with me stating I wanted to leave him... Even though it was for different reason, neither was a fair statement/action to make..

I wish I could just hang out with him...I know that wouldn't work really well right now though... I just miss his company a LOT...Even with shit being the way it is, he still makes me smile and laugh... It feels more real coming from him than when I'm around other people...

I really hate it when I am not thinking clearly and I end up driving for a long way the direction I shouldn't be driving... The trip always ends up longer and the trip home always gets more lonely.. heh...granted listening to depressing music probably doesn't help...I ended up driving for a total of 5 � hours the other day... I need to stop doing that... Thats where a lot of my money is going is to fucking gass...

I have gotten the design almost done for my tattoo... The ice portion of the heart looks pretty cool and the flame portion of the heart is almost done. Think I might have it done enough tomorrow, to take it into the shop and get the artist to do a drawing of it to get his ideas in the piece. The only thing is, I haven't decided what kind of font to use... Thought about using script of some kind...Maybe the artist will have some input on that...The size of the tattoo will depend on the cost and I am sure I am going to have it on my chest now... Wonder how much it will hurt...

11:34 p.m. - Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2008

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