ladymckee's Diaryland Diary



I've been trying to distract myself...It's not really a distraction...Just actions so that my family will stop freaking out...

They keep telling me how I'm unstable now, and how I'm on the lines of being depressed...

Like I don't know this shit heh

I really have no desire to do much... I'm just doing because maybe this will pass and when I wake up I wont be to fucked up... heh

I haven't talked to Josh in almost two days... I have to do this because the things he says off and on confuse me and make me think it could go a different direction...That or it's me wanting it to be that way...or some shit...

One cool thing I found out... Huntsville has Fiveguys Burger joint! (grins a bit)

7:29 p.m. - Friday, Jun. 06, 2008

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