ladymckee's Diaryland Diary



...It's been hard but an eye opener being around Bob while he is going through this hard time...It's help me put things into perspective... How I HAVE to move on and stop being so fucking depressing... No one is going to be around me if I continue going down this road... I wont accomplish anything positive either...

I've thrown away the bottle of cologne...Heh That was a hard thing for me to do... Using almost 1/2 of the bottle already kind of states how much I was using it... I know it was an obsessive action...

For the first time in awhile I feel like I might have a grasp on what I REALLY need to focus on and what I REALLY need to let go. I've been saying that things are the way they are... However I haven't really accepted that... So I need to start taking actions that state that and move forward so that I can accept it...

I need to start setting goals every day and accomplish them. Even if its folding a load of laundry or working on another chapter in my HTML book. Having something to focus on will help keep me on track with my major goals.

So Tomorrows plan:

-Packing 3 boxes

-Finishing chapter 3 in my HTML book

-Getting my resume and cover letter created (which should bring joy, because this will be very amusing). :P LOL career... ha... Right :P

-Stopping by the Tattoo place (if they are open) and see if the guy/gal can draw up something from what I have put together from Photoshop.

I was working on breathing techniques a while ago, but lost focus on it, because I think I was dwelling in depression... Anyway I need to start using such a tool for when I get all emotional about shit...

Oh and the investigator got back to me yesterday or the day before and stated that it will be 3 to 6 weeks till evidence is done being processed...heh so that means at least another two more weeks. Plus the investigator is making the guy take a lie detector test. So have to wait for the results for that too after that takes place. At least the investigator is taking every measure, so it makes his case even more solid.

Its time to head to bead so that I can get up at a normal time...

11:47 p.m. - Saturday, Jun. 14, 2008

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