ladymckee's Diaryland Diary



Mom keeps telling Bob and I how fucking "time heals"... Fuck that... It's not getting fucking easier...

I was pissed off when we were in the truck and he threatened his life...Now I understand it...

Fucking brain shocking crap is looking good day by fucking day

I have been trying really hard with the fucking breathing techniques... It's not fucking working and the fucking cigs are not helping either now...

Can't get my fucking head to stop spinning around... I just need it to stop so I can fucking sleep... I haven't had a fucking good night sleep the entire time I have been here... It's starting to take a fucking tole...

Jump on a fucking plane... WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY THAT... OMFG...I'm glad that I was able to kick him back into his cycle of spending more time with her... Way to go on being a fucking friend...

The fucking talk about her, regarding sex... I know I'm just trying to be supportive, but why the fuck do I do that to myself... I don't want to fucking know about that shit...

11:57 p.m. - Monday, Jun. 16, 2008

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